====== First steps ====== After you have written the image to your SD card, inserted it into your Raspberry and have plugged in the power cord, LoxBerry will boot up. ====== Further steps ====== ===== (Raspberry 1 and Raspberry Zero only) ===== On these Raspberrys, please be patient: [[haufig_gestellte_fragen_faq:loxberry_performance_on_raspberry_pi_1_or_raspberry_zero|LoxBerry performance on Raspberry Pi 1 or Raspberry Zero]] ===== First access ===== http:%%//%% Initial user/password is **loxberry / loxberry** ===== Setup Assistant ===== After the first connection with your web browser, the Setup Assistant is started. * Choose your language → Next * Define new credentials (or leave the default credentials, if you leave the fields empty) → Next * After that step, the root passwort and SecurePIN automatically were set, and also your changes. **Save your credentials to a secure place!** If you loose your root password, you never can access the Superuser "root" anymore, if you demand it. You would have to re-install LoxBerry. * After this step, you should run //LoxBerry Update// to update your LoxBerry to the latest "Release" version.  * When the update has finished, reboot your LoxBerry. The Reboot will resize your SD card to the full size. If LoxBerry Update had to little space, try it again after the reboot. ===== Running LoxBerry Update ===== Although the image is not updated very often, but the LoxBerry software is. After a new installation, you should run //LoxBerry Update//. You'll find //LoxBerry Update// in the //Updates// widget. Select "Releases" and if a new version is displayed, click the "Install new update..." button. Depending to your hardware the update will take about  30 seconds (Pi 3) up to 8 minutes (Pi 1). The update is running in the backgroud, but you can click the "LoxBerry Update History" and open the log. If LoxBerry Update requests a reboot, you should do that. During the update, restarting is locked - please be patient. You should set LoxBerry Update to automatically update to "Releases" every week. Plugins may not work with non-updated LoxBerry software. ===== Configure Miniserver ===== In the Miniserver widget you can configure your Loxone Miniserver (or Miniservers). Add your network settings and credentials. Use the Check  button on top of every Miniserver. For every plugin to work properly, you should use a Miniserver account with administrative permissions. Take care of case-sensitivity - the username as well as the password are case-sensitive. ===== Install Plugins ===== Select your favorite plugins in the Plugin Archive (here: [[loxberry_english:plugins_english:start|Plugins (English)]] and follow the instructions of the plugin. Install your plugins in the //Plugin Management// widget. The easiest way is to simply paste the download url to the URL field.  ===== What to find more? ===== Simply stray around in the system widgets and see the settings and descriptions. LoxBerry is very robust (we think! {{https://www.loxwiki.eu/s/en_GB/7601/d9a7d86ddd6172b1b5a38b9e600c8b90c362def3/_/images/icons/emoticons/smile.png|(smile)}}), and if you really configured your LoxBerry "to death", just start over writing the image again.  \\