
Perl class Grafana

Perl class to provide management of Grafana dashboards and panels.

The class is used for Grafana provisioning. It does not use the Grafana Web API to directly modify Dashboards and Panels, put manages provisioning files for Grafana.

It is used by Stats4Lox for provisioning currently one default dashboard and panels of enabled statistics.

Dashboard and Panel templates

These two functions allow to create a dashboard, and panels, from templates.

Every Dashboard manages an user-defined "uid" (a string, max 40 bytes) property to access the Dashboard by a unique key.
Every Panel has an "id" (an integer) property to directly access that Panel. 

The Grafana class creates and manages these uid's and id's automatically, and if you want to address dashboards and panels from otherwhere, you need to store these uid's and id's somewhere.

The usage of both functions is:

Be aware of arrays in the templates! If you require to change properties of an array element, you need to access the array element by it's key (e.g. [0] ).

File locking

All files to be modified will be locked exclusively, also afterwards the save() function. To make sure to unlock the file, clear the object variable (e.g. undef $dashboard). Templates (that are not modified) use a shared lock. All locked files also are unlocked if the object runs out of scope, or your program exits. 

Error handling

All functions die with wrong parameters or on any errors. There is no "silent ignore" of errors. Use eval to catch errors.

Define templates

You can define a Dashboard template directly in Grafana, by creating and customizing a dashboard. With Settings / JSON Model you can view a json file. Create a file out of this json. This is your Dashboard template. From this template, clear the "panels" array to look like "panels" : [], otherwise your Dashboard template will contain panels.  

To define a Panel template, create a Dashboard with a panel directly in Grafana.  Style and customize this panel as you require. Again, use Settings / JSON model to view the json of the Dashboard. Search the "panels" array, it will look like panels : [ { ...... } ]. Copy the { .... } part without the array braces and put this into a file. This is your Panel template.


Creates/updates a Dashboard from a Dashboard template. Dashboards and Dashboard templates are stored in json files.

If the Dashboard exists and has Panels, the Panels will be preserved.

Returns: Dashboard uid

Syntax is:

my $dashboard = DashboardFromTemplate Grafana( $dashboard_filename, $dashboardtemplate_filename );

$dashboard->{title} = "My dashboard";

my $dashboard_uid = Grafana->save( $dashboard );


my $dashboard = DashboardFromTemplate Grafana( 
$dashboard->{title} = "LoxBerry Stats4Lox " . int(rand(100));
$dashboard->{links}[0]->{url} = "http://".lbhostname();
print $dashboard->{title} . "\n";
my $dashboard_uid = Grafana->save( $dashboard );

About Dashboard uid


Creates a Panel from a Panel template, and adds/updates the Panel in the given Dashboard.

Returns: Panel id

Syntax is:

my $panel = PanelFromTemplate Grafana( $dashboard_filename, $panel_template_filename );

$panel->{title} = "This is a panel" . int(rand(100));

my $panel_id = Grafana->save( $panel );


my $panel = PanelFromTemplate Grafana( 
$panel->{title} = "Panel Title (Room/Category)" . int(rand(100));
my $panel_id = Grafana->save( $panel );

About Panel id

Managing Dashboards and Panels

This functions are used to directly modify Dashboards and it's Panels. 


Deletes all panels with a specific pnael id from the passed Dashboard file.

Allows a scalar or an arrayref for panel_id: $panel_id (as scalar) or [$panel_id1, $panel_id2,...] (as implicitely created arrayref), or \@panels_to_delete (using a predefined array and submit it's reference)

Returns: Count of deleted panels

The return should usually be 1 or 0 with one panel deleted. If the function is called with an array, will delete all these Panels and return the number of deletions, e.g. 3.

Syntax is:

my $delcount = deletePanelFromDashboard Grafana( $dashboard_filename, $panel_id );

my $delcount = deletePanelFromDashboard Grafana( $dashboard_filename, [$panel_id1, $panel_id2] );


Deletes all panels of the given Dashboard file.

Returns: nothing

Syntax is:

deleteAllPanelsFromDashboard Grafana( $dashboard_filename );


Modifies an existing Dashboard. You get the full Dashboard including it's Panels, therefore your also can modify the Panels. For modifying the Panels, you might prefer the modifyPanel function, as the function manages the panel id's.

Returns: Dashboard uid

If the Dashboard currently has no uid, and you've not set an uid, the function will create an uid. 

my $dashboard = modifyDashboard Grafana( $dashboard_filename );

$dashboard->{title} = "My dashboard";

my $dashboard_uid = Grafana->save( $dashboard );


Modifies an existing Panel in the given Dashboard file. The Panel is identified by your given Panel id.

Returns: Panel id

my $panel = modifyPanel Grafana( $dashboard_filename, $panel_id );

$panel->{title} = "This is a panel" . int(rand(100));

my $panel_id = Grafana->save( $panel );

Modifying the id is possible but dangerous. You need to keep panel id's unique, otherwise Grafana fails loading the Dashboard. On save, the Panel will be updated with the changed id. The position in the Dashboard will be preserved.