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PHP Module loxberry_storage.php

loxberry_storage.php implements features to query or present the user defined storage devices (network, USB) in a usable form to your plugin with low effort.


require_once "loxberry_storage.php";

 loxberry_storage.php automatically loads loxberry_system.php, so it is not needed to give both libs.

 It's not required to add a path to the PHP library.

Global variables

Variable Usage
\\ \\ 

See also 



This library starts with LoxBerry 1.2.1. Enhancements of the library are still in progress, therefore watch every function about the "Available from LoxBerry x.x.x.x and use that version as your minimum version of your plugin.



get_storage_html returns a ready html dropdown including JavaScript to select external storage configured by the user in the LoxBerry widgets (network, usb, local). The selected storage can be submitted in your HTML form, or directly used in JavaScript.