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Perl - Develop plugins with Perl
Perl is the "mother" of LoxBerry, because LoxBerry's father, Michael Schlenstedt, founder of the LoxBerry project, learned this programming language during his studies a long time ago and is now too old to learn something new.
For some re-occuring tasks, and frequently needed data, we have developed LoxBerry Perl modules to simplify creating plugins. These modules are called LoxBerry::System and LoxBerry::Web and can be included by use LoxBerry::System
and use LoxBerry::Web
There is also a PHP LoxBerry SDK following the functions of the Perl modules, but the leading trail are the Perl modules.
Nur im Perl LoxBerry SDK suchen
Aspects creating plugins
There are several aspects you have to consider creating plugins:
- The directory layout and content of your plugin (Plugin für den Loxberry entwickeln (Version 1.x)) (German only)
- Be as system independent as possible (use the apt feature of the Plugin Interface to install binaries - don't ship compiled binaries as the won't run on other architectures)
- If you need paths inside your plugin, use the provided global variables from LoxBerry::System. Don't hard-code any system paths.
- Use HTML::Template for your web interface. LoxBerry itself uses HTML::Template, and it is automatically use'd from LoxBerry::Web.
- Multilingual support - LoxBerry comes with a multilingual approach with ini-styled language files. All supporting features of LoxBerry::Web directly use your multi-lang files with HTML::Template.
- LoxBerry gives you lot of freedom of permissions - don't misuse them. Do not change major system settings that are unrecoverable. Don't unfasten restrictions or permissions more than your plugin needs. Keep your changes undo-able for the situation where your plugin is uninstalled.
The Perl SDK documentation currently is available in German only. Please use some online translation tool like Google Translate.