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LoxBerry performance on Raspberry Pi 1 or Raspberry Zero

Raspberry Pi 1 and the Zero "sisters" have, compared to Raspberry 2 and 3, obvious less CPU performance and may feel slow.

For LoxBerry 1.x please note the following when you have done a fresh install:

  • LoxBerry immediately starts a Raspbian security update on first boot. On a Raspberry 1 or Zero, this massively reduces the speed in the web interface. Give your LoxBerry five minutes to finish, then it will work more fluent.
  • Consider to overclock your Raspberry if you need more speed. Logged on as root, run raspi-config and select the Overclock menu. Possibly you may avoid the highest setting. If later your Raspberry crashes or stalls unregularly, or sometimes does not boot up, reduce your overclock setting.
  • As LoxBerry 1.0 and above uses a different system to show web pages, that also dynamically renders the users language, page loading time is higher. The overall system performance (for daemons, backup etc.) does not change. 
  • LoxBerry 1.0 saves logfiles to the RAM disk instead of the SD card and rotates these logs to keep them small. This is done to extend the lifetime of the SD card. Using the RAM disk for files reduces RAM for programs. In seldom situations (with large programs or services) things may get slower, but usually not.
  • The log viewer during plugin installation seems to be slower than in LoxBerry 0.2.x. However, this was a performance optimization against the older LoxBerry versions. They hammered the CPU with "show logfile" requests, that actually installing plugins took longer than necessary. By optimizing the log viewer, plugin installations are faster then before.

Raspberry Pi 1 is still a good Raspberry, doing all the jobs with little power requirement. For most operations, like Miniserver backup, request times are not relevant at all. All LoxBerry-Core developers still have the "One" in their houses.