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Generic support request answer

If you have got this page as a link in an answer to your question or issue about LoxBerry or a plugin, you may have delivered to little information to help you.

Keep in mind that all this work is done for free. Please take your time to provide enough information. Here is a list what you can find out on your LoxBerry.

Try before any support request

  • Have you searched the wiki?
  • Have you searched the loxforum, especially the thread about the plugin in error?
  • In that plugin thread, have you really scrolled some comments up and read?
  • Have you already run LoxBerry Update to the latest "Release" version?
  • Have you updated your plugin to the latest version?
  • Does your network communication from Miniserver to LoxBerry work? (
  • Have you temporary set the loglevel of the plugin to "Debug" and read the log what error occours?

Provide the following information:

  • Exact version of your LoxBerry
  • Exact version of your plugin (if the issue is about a plugin)
  • What platform (Raspberry 1/2/3/… or what VM)
  • if available used syntax/URL
  • Exact error message (if you can see it) and/or
  • Screenshot of the error or of the setting that does not work
  • Logfile of LoxBerry and/or the plugin
  • Did it work at any time before (before you have change something…)

LoxBerry and the plugins are provided for free, and the support is done for free in the developers spare time. Do not play a quiz game with the developers and provide as much information as possible. Show that you are determined to help the developer to solve your issue.

Thank you!