VMware Player / Fusion (VM)

Basic installation finished?

Please read first the → Basic Installation!

The zip file contains a couple of files, the important two are the .vmx and .vmdk files which have to be copied to a VMware machine folder (The folder can be located anywhere on the PCs harddisk).

DietPi VMware 7zip archive content

Add the files in VMware

As next, the VMware virtual machine is setup by just opening the .vmx file (via Open a Virtual Machine):

VMware file open screenshot

In the following dialog the user has to navigate to the directory where the .vmx and .vmdk files were stored. Choose the .vmx file to open.
After this the DietPi VMware virtual machine is present and can be started:

VMware virtual machine list screenshot

First boot of the new VMware image

Press the Play virtual machine (green arrow) to ‘boot up’ your system based on the DietPi image. Possibly you have to acknowledge in an appearing dialog “I Copied it” and go on. If you want to use a WiFi connection you have to change the network settings matching your environment (files \boot\dietpi.txt and \boot\dietpi-wifi.txt).

You must disable IPv6 when the host uses WiFi

Sometimes the VM has difficulties to connect to the internet. This is reported in a network bridged mode and when the host connects to the internet via WiFi: In these cases the IPv6 routing between the VM and the internet fails (e.g. see there). A typical result is, that the system does not find the update server (e.g. at the very first update run). This is then signaled during the “apt update” procedure of the first boot startup.
To overcome this, open a subshell (or an additional ssh window), start dietpi-config and disable IPv6 within the Network options.

IPv6 deactivate screenshot

Then exit dietpi-config. After this the first time installer procedure should run again from the start.

Additional information

For information about running DietPi in an VMware ESXi environment, you can read this article: Running the DietPi VMware image on ESXi 6.7.

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