Perl Modul LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder

The class LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder is used to more easy generate Loxone Templates for Virtual UDP Inputs, Virtual HTTP Inputs and Virtual Outputs. On usage, you create a VI or VO object, and can add Commands to the VI/VO one by one.

LoxBerry Compatibility

This object class is in available from V2.0. Set the minimum LoxBerry version in your plugin.cfg.


This library automatically includes:

  • use HTML::Entities;


use LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder;
## Virtual HTTP Inputs ##
my $VIhttp = LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder->VirtualInHttp(
    Title => "LoxBerry Healthcheck",
    Address => "http://loxberry:loxberry@loxberry/admin/system/healthcheck.cgi",
my $linenr = $VIhttp->VirtualInHttpCmd (
    Title => "timeepoch",
    Check => '"timeepoch":\v',
# Get the content of a specific line number (line 3)
my $vicmd = $VIhttp->VirtualInHttpCmd ( 3 );
# Delete a specific line
# Get the created xml template
print $VIhttp->output;
## Virtual UDP Inputs ##
my $VIudp = LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder->VirtualInUdp(
    Title => "LoxBerry Weather",
    Address => "",
    Port => "12345",
my $linenr = $VIudp->VirtualInUdpCmd (
    Title => "Temperature",
    Check => '"temperature":\v',
# Get the content of a specific line number (line 3)
my $vicmd = $VIhttp->VirtualInUdpCmd ( 3 );
# Get the created XML template
print $VIudp->output;
## Virtual Outputs ##
my $VO = LoxBerry::LoxoneTemplateBuilder->VirtualOut(
    Title => "Sonos",
    Address => "",
my $linenr = $VO->VirtualOutCmd(
    Title => "Play",
    CmdOnMethod => "post", 
    CmdOn => '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control',
    CmdOnHTTP => 'SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1#Play"',
    CmdOnPost =>     '<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">'.
                    '<s:Body><u:Play xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1"><InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Speed>1</Speed></u:Play></s:Body></s:Envelope>',
print $VO->output;

The creation of the object classes VirtualInHttpVirtualInUdp and VirtualOut return the pointer to the object.

For adding the commands, use the VirtualInHttpCmdVirtualInUdpCmd or VirtualOutCmd accordingly to your class. The functions throw an exception, if you mix up class and *Cmd functions (e.g. creating an VI and add an VO Cmd).

The *Cmd functions return the index of the added command. You can use this index to later delete a line. Stored indexes stay consistent, also if you delete elements before.

The delete method deletes a line, using the provided index.

Using the *Cmd commands with a number as single parameter, returns the Cmd object of that line. 

The output returns the string of the created VirtualInHttp/VirtualInUdp/VirtualOut in the correct encoding and quotation.

See the tables below, what parameters and default values the classes provide. Omitting a parameter uses the default value.

Virtual HTTP Input

Virtual HTTP Input Constructor


Parameter Default valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
Address URL
PollingTime60 Polling Cycle [s]

Virtual HTTP Input Command


Parameter Default valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
Check Command recognition
Signed true Signed values (checkbox)
Analog true (not present)
SourceValLow 0 Input value 1
DestValLow 0 Target value 1
SourceValHigh100 Input value 2
DestValHigh 100 Target value 2
DefVal 0 Default value
MinVal -2147483647 Minimum value
MaxVal 2147483647 Maximum value

Virtual UDP Input

Virtual UDP Input Constructor


ParameterDefault valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
Address Sender address
Port UDP receive port

Virtual UDP Input Command


Parameter Default valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
Address Sender address
Check Command recognition
Signed true Signed values (checkbox)
Analog true Use as digital input (checkbox)
SourceValLow 0 Input value 1
DestValLow 0 Target value 1
SourceValHigh100 Input value 2
DestValHigh 100 Target value 2
DefVal 0 Default value
MinVal -2147483647 Minimum value
MaxVal 2147483647 Maximum value

Virtual Output

Virtual Output Constructor


Parameter Default valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
Address Address
CmdInit Command to establish connection
CloseAfterSendtrue Close connection after sending (checkbox)
CmdSep Separator

Virtual Output Command


Parameter Default valueDescription in Loxone Config
Title Name
Comment Description
CmdOnMethod HTTP method for ON (dropdown)
CmdOn Command for ON
CmdOnHTTP HTTP extensions for ON
CmdOnPost HTTP Post command for ON
CmdOffMethod HTTP method for OFF (dropdown)
CmdOff Command for OFF
CmdOffHTTP HTTP extensions for OFF
CmdOffPost HTTP Post command for OFF
Analog false Use as digital input (checkbox)
Repeat 0 First repetition (s)
RepeatRate 0 Repetition Interval (s)

Further Hints

Escaping of checks (\v,...)

  • Keep in mind, that \v, \i,… syntax is parsed by PHP. Examples:
    • If you use single quotes '\iHallo:\i\v' , PHP is directly print these strings.
    • If you use double quotes, you have to escape the backslash char by a backslash: "\\iHallo\\i\\v" .