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Perl-Modul LoxBerry::Log
The module LoxBerry::Log contains functions for easy logging and notifications.
The logfile feature enables LoxBerry-integrated logging including logging/debugging filters set by the user. With the shortcut functions it is very easy to create log entries, and filtering corresponding to the users loglevel is done by the module.
The notify features enable notifications in the user interface (the blue and/or red bullets overlaying icons and the navigation bar).
use LoxBerry::Log;
The module automatically includes the modules
- LoxBerry::System
- Time::Piece
- HTML::Entities
- File::Basename
- File::Path
Commands of this modules can directly be accesses without use'ing them. No error occurs, if the are use'd anyway.
See the usage of this module that was especially developed for easy use with LoxBerry.
Global variables
List of severities for logging
Level | Name | Shortcut function | Object function | Use when |
0 | Emergency | LOGEMERGE | $obj→EMERGE | … your LoxBerry burns |
1 | Alert | LOGALERT | $obj→ALERT | … if the critical information also needs to be pushed to the user |
2 | Critical | LOGCRIT | $obj→CRIT | … when user intervention is needed to continue operation |
3 | Error → Default | LOGERR | $obj→ERR | … when an error occurs but This is the default value in the plugin database |
4 | Warning | LOGWARN | $obj→WARN | … when something is strange but does not stop operation |
5 | Notice | LOGOK | $obj→OK | … is to inform the user that something went ok |
6 | Informational | LOGINF | $obj→INF | … additional infos to any status |
7 | Debug | LOGDEB | $obj→DEB | … for heavy debugging that a user normally don't need. |
The object functions are called directly to the log object (e.g. if you have multiple logfiles).
The Shortcut functions always log to the default log object (the first log object).
Do not log higher severity levels just because you think the user should know this.
Usage of the logging module
Datails can be found here: Usage of the logging module
Usage of the notification functions
Details can be found here: usage_of_the_notification_functions
To debug the module, use that code in your program:
$LoxBerry::Log::DEBUG = 1;
This will send debugging messages to STDERR.