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Whats New in V3.0.1
Major Image Release "Arwen" - die Tochter von Elrond, dem Halbelf, die ihre Unsterblichkeit für ihren Geliebten Aragorn aufgab.
Für Benutzer
Betriebssystem-Update Debian 12 Bookworm
LoxBerry 3.0.1 verwendet bei Neuinstallation die neueste Betriebssystem-Version Debian 12 Bookworm. Bestehende LoxBerry’s verbleiben auf der bisherigen Bestriebssystem-Version Debian 11 (Bullseye). Sie können aber manuell auf Bookworm gehoben werden. Eine Anleitung dazu folgt.
Keine unnötige Ramdisk bei VMs
Auf VMs oder nativen OCs wird jetzt nicht mehr unnötigerweise eine Ramsdisk im Ram erzeugt. Dieses ist nur auf SBC (SingleBOardComputer) notwendig, um die SD-Karte zu schonen. Auf VMs benötigt eine Ramdisk nur unnötigen Platz im RAM.png?600}}
Weitere Fixes und Verbesserungen
- Handle PHP Dummy packages correctly - dummy packages will be changed to real PHP version during plugininstall. This way we can use a different PHP version than the current Debian version. Needed for Bookworm with PHP 8.x.
- Bugfix: preupdatecheck will be skipped during update if the version is older then the current installed version
- Find the Easter Egg
For developers (english only)
Python2 is gone on Debian 12 Bookworm
There's no Python2 package on Debian Bookworm anymore. Plugins based on Python2 will not work anymore.
Install packages depending on Debian Version
Until now you could include needed apt-packages in the file dpkg/apt
. These packages will be installed on every version of the distribution. With LoxBerry 3.0 we include apt-Files which depend on the current LoxBerry Major version, e. g. dpkg/apt3
. Packages mentioned in this file are only installed on LoxBerry V3.x. Since all LoxBerry Major Versions hat differnet Debian, this was fine to install different versions on different distribution versions. With the change to DietPi, this is not possible anymore, because LoxBerry V3.x could run Debian 11, Debian 12 or Raspbian. So wer now include another different apt file: dpk/apt12
. Packages mentioned in this file are installed only on Debian 12.
PHP update to 8.x with the next Release!
With PHP 8.x there were introduced significant changes that will result in non-working older PHP scripts in most cases! So prepare your plugin to be compatible with PHP8.x!
Tests could be done on Debian 12 Bookworm, see:
Migration Guide PHP 7.3 → PHP 7.4
LoxBerry V3.0.1 is the last Version with PHP 7.x support!
Pre-Announcement for deprecation
- In some of the next LoxBerry minor releases, the Perl LoxBerry::System library will not auto-
use Config::Simple
anymore. If you use Config::Simple in your Perl code, and it does not explicitly have ause Config::Simple;
on the top, please add this line. (The Config::Simple library itself will stay on LoxBerry of course!) - In some of the next LoxBerry minor releases, the old “legacy” headers (e. g. the files in “~/templates/system/en”) will not be created automatically anymore. We do not use these headers since LoxBerry 0.2.3 anymore (arround 2015). This is more than 6 years ago. If your plugin still uses these old files instead of the LoxBerry::Web library for header creation, your plugin may not work anymore.
- In some of the next LoxBerry minor releases, the obsolete gerneral.cfg config file of Loxberry (in INI format) will be removed. If you read this file directly in your plugin (you shouldn't do at all…), please move over to the general.json config file.
- Python2 will not be available in LoxBerry 4.0 anymore, as Python2 is removed by RaspberryOS/Debian 12 ("Bookworm"). Use the time until the next major release to update your Python code to Python3.
- PHP7.x will not be available in LoxBerry 4.0 anymore, as LoxBerry with Debian 12 („Bookworm“) will update to PHP8.1.
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