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Perl-Modul Stats4Lox
The module Stats4Lox provides functions to simplify communication to Loxone Miniservers and InfluxDB.
This module automatically includes the following modules:
- LoxBerry::IO
To use the module in your code, you have to load it in your code. There are two options:
Using "use lib". Note that you have to use a relative path! This adds the folder to the module search path and loads the module.
#!/usr/bin/perl use LoxBerry::System; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/../../../../$lbpbindir/libs/"; use Stats4Lox;
Using "require". This only loads the specified module.
#!/usr/bin/perl use LoxBerry::System; require "$lbpbindir/libs/";
To debug the module, use that code in your program:
$Stats4Lox::DEBUG = 1;
This will send debugging messages to STDERR.