Metainformationen zur Seite
my ($response) = telegrafinternals();
Creates a hash with internal telegraf statistics. The statistics will be created by telegraf every 10s. This function just gathers these statistics and put them into a hash.
This function do not need any parameters.
Return value
Parameter | Description |
1. return | Hash with statistic data. |
Detailed description of each returned value can be found in the telegraf documentation:
The returned hash looks like this:
$VAR1 = \{ 'memstats' => { 'heap_objects' => '14954', 'mallocs' => '5113349', 'alloc_bytes' => '7478688', 'total_alloc_bytes' => '1598334576', 'heap_released_bytes' => '5275648', 'heap_idle_bytes' => '10895360', 'pointer_lookups' => '0', 'num_gc' => '914', 'heap_in_use_bytes' => '9224192', 'frees' => '5098395', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'heap_alloc_bytes' => '7478688', 'heap_sys_bytes' => '20119552', 'sys_bytes' => '20119552' }, 'process' => { 'errors' => '0', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000' }, 'write' => { 'influxdb' => { 'metrics_filtered' => '0', 'metrics_added' => '51390', 'metrics_dropped' => '0', 'buffer_limit' => '100000', 'write_time_ns' => '14375885', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'errors' => '0', 'buffer_size' => '0', 'metrics_written' => '51390' }, 'file' => { 'metrics_filtered' => '390', 'metrics_dropped' => '0', 'metrics_added' => '51000', 'buffer_limit' => '100000', 'write_time_ns' => '777968', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'metrics_written' => '51000', 'buffer_size' => '0', 'errors' => '0' } }, 'agent' => { 'metrics_dropped' => '0', 'gather_errors' => '51391', 'metrics_written' => '102390', 'metrics_gathered' => '51391', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000' }, 'gather' => { 'http' => { 'metrics_gathered' => '390', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'errors' => '206', 'gather_time_ns' => '9740' }, 'internal' => { 'metrics_gathered' => '51001', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'errors' => '0', 'gather_time_ns' => '1139167' }, 'socket_listener' => { 'metrics_gathered' => '0', 'timestamp' => '1619255940000000000', 'errors' => '0', 'gather_time_ns' => '1666' } } };
#!/usr/bin/perl use LoxBerry::System; use Data::Dumper; require "$lbpbindir/libs/"; # Debug $Stats4Lox::DEBUG = 0; $Stats4Lox::DUMP = 0; my ($resp) = Stats4Lox::telegrafinternals(); print Dumper (\$resp);