

The general.json is the central configuration object of LoxBerry beginning with LoxBerry 2.2. In all versions before LoxBerry 2.2, the general.cfg (ini-style config file) was the primary configuration object of LoxBerry (and is automatically generated also by LoxBerry 2.2+).

The general.json includes all the configuration done in the widgets, including the Miniservers and it's network settings and credentials. For Perl and PHP users, it is recommended to use the library functions from LoxBerry::System (Perl) and loxberry_system.php (PHP), as they provide on-the-fly calculated information like your plugin directory and resolved network settings of the Miniservers. With other languages, like Python or Node.js, read the general.json.

The general.json (and general.cfg too) by design is thought to be read-only for plugin developers. Reading of the file is allowed, changes are forbidden.

Configuration settings

This is a mapping table of all general.json settings and general.cfg settings. Not all settings of general.json are present in general.cfg (and vice versa) because of new features. Key names in general.json are always first-letter-uppercase (e.g. Base.Sendstatistic, or Ipv4address), in general.cfg everything is capital letters (e.g. BASE.SENDSTATISTIC). Key names are not equal in all cases. Note, that LoxBerry::System/loxberry_system.php functions like get_miniservers use other casing for the values.

general.json introduced hierarchy of objects, that were not possible in the ini format. The general.json - like general.cfg - still maintains main sections as objects,, e.g. Base, Miniserver, Network.

Settings and mapping

general.json LB version general.cfg Configured by Possible values Description
==== Base ==== 2.2+ BASE
Base.Clouddnsuri CLOUDDNS Image
Base.Country n/a My LoxBerry 2 letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha2, lower-case (most commonly the Internet TLD)
Non-existant, or string "undef" if not configured by the user 
Base.Lang LANG My LoxBerry ISO-Code of users selected language
Base.Sendstatistic SENDSTATISTIC My LoxBerry
Base.Startsetup STARTSETUP Wizard
Base.Systemloglevel SYSTEMLOGLEVEL Image
Base.Version VERSION Image & LoxBerry Update
Base.ImageVersion n/a Image The inital version LoxBerry was installed.
n/a MINISERVERS Miniserver widget 1-x The number of Miniserver entries as [MINISERVERx].
Not required in general.json
n/a INSTALLFOLDER Image <Path> LoxBerrys base folder /opt/loxberry
Not required anymore, use $ENV{'LBHOMEDIR'}
==== Apt ==== 3.0 n/a no UI
Servers Hash of valid apt servers for Debian Repository (Raspberry only)
Servers.1 http/https Valid apt-Server for Raspberry's Debian Repository
Servers.2 http/https Valid apt-Server for Raspberry's Debian Repository
Servers.3 http/https Valid apt-Server for Raspberry's Debian Repository
Servers.4 http/https Valid apt-Server for Raspberry's Debian Repository
Servers.5 http/https Valid apt-Server for Raspberry's Debian Repository
==== Backup ==== 3.0 n/a Backup
Compression String Compression method or none
Keep_archives Num Number of archives to keep
Storagepath Path Storage path for backup images
Schedule Hash of Backup Schedule
Schedule.Active true/false Automatic schedule active?
Schedule.Mon true/false Perform backup on this weekday
Schedule.Tue true/false
Schedule.Wed true/false
Schedule.Thu true/false
Schedule.Fre true/false
Schedule.Sat true/false
Schedule.Son true/false
Schedule.Time HH:MM Perform backup at this time
Schedule.Repeat Num Repeat schedule every x week
==== Healthcheck ==== 2.2+ HEALTHCHECK no UI (no UI, read by healthcheck.cgi)
Disable_all DISABLE_ALL Disables all healthcheck to not send notifications/emails
Disable_<checkname> DISABLE_<CHECKNAME> <checkname> is the name of the specific check to disable. 
==== Log2Ram ==== 2.0.0+ n/a
==== Mqtt ==== 2.0+ n/a Only applies if MQTT Gateway 2.0.4+ is installed
Brokerhost MQTT Gateway String Hostname/IP of the broker (e.g. "localhost" or "loxberry-partyraum")
Brokerpass MQTT Gateway String Broker Password - may be empty if no password is set 
Brokerport MQTT Gateway String MQTT Port - "1883" or a specific port. The field is always set.
Brokerpsk MQTT Gateway String TLS-PSK Pre-shared key. Depreciated. Dropped with LB3.0.
Brokeruser MQTT Gateway String Broker User - may be empty if anonymous access is set at the broker
Udpinport MQTT Gateway String The UDP port where MQTT Gateway is listening for incoming UDP messages
Uselocalbroker MQTT Gateway 0/1 1 … Broker settings are managed by MQTT Gateway plugin
0 … Broker settings are managed by the user
Websocketport MQTT Gateway String Default Port is "9001", or a specific port set by the user.
Finderdisabled 3.0+ - 0/1 Default is unset. If set, MQTT Finder will stop after initial start.
==== Network ==== 2.2+ NETWORK
Network.Friendlyname FRIENDLYNAME
Network.Interface INTERFACE
Network.Ssid SSID
Network.Wpa WPA
Network.Ipv4.Dns DNS
Network.Ipv4.Gateway GATEWAY
Network.Ipv4.Ipaddress IPADDRESS
Network.Ipv4.Mask MASK
Network.Ipv4.Type TYPE
Network.Ipv6.Dns DNS_IPv6
Network.Ipv6.Ipaddress IPADDRESS_IPv6
Network.Ipv6.Mask MASK_IPv6
Network.Ipv6.Privacyext PRIVACYEXT_IPv6
Network.Ipv6.Type TYPE_IPv6
==== Remote ==== 1.4.0+ n/a
Remote.Autoconnect true/false Reconnect after reboot
Remote.Httpport Obsolete / not in use anymore since LoxBerry 3.0
Remote.Httpproxy Obsolete / not in use anymore since LoxBerry 3.0
==== Ssdp ==== 2.2+ SSDP
Ssdp.Disabled DISABLED
Ssdp.Uuid UUID
==== Timeserver ==== 2.2+ TIMESERVER
Timeserver.Method METHOD
Timeserver.Ntpserver SERVER
Timeserver.Timemsno n/a
Timeserver.Timezone ZONE
==== Update ==== 2.2+ UPDATE
Update.Branch BRANCH Default branch is 'master'. To update from a specific branch, set the branch name here.
Update.Dryrun DRYRUN No changes are made, no update scripts are run. (DEBUGGING)
Update.Failedscript FAILED_SCRIPT If one or more update scripts fail during LoxBerry Update, this value stores the lowest version number (the version number of the first failed update script)  
Update.Installtype INSTALLTYPE
Update.Interval INTERVAL
Update.Keepinstallfiles KEEPINSTALLFILES Does not delete the downloaded and unzipped files. They stay in the /tmp/… directory. (DEBUGGING)
Update.Keepupdatefiles KEEPUPDATEFILES Updates LoxBerry, but does not overwrite and (DEBUGGING)
Update.Latestsha LATESTSHA If installtype is Latest, stores the last commit sha that was installed. Required to detect if a new commit is present.
Update.max_version 2.0.0 ajax-config-handler.cgi (updates.html) This value limits the maximal version LoxBerry Update will update to. User has to accept a warning in LoxBerry Update to update to a new major release.
Update.Releasetype RELEASETYPE
==== Watchdog ==== 1.4.0+ n/a
==== Webserver ==== 2.2+ WEBSERVER
Webserver.Port PORT services.php
Webserver.Oldport OLDPORT services.php During port change, this temporary saves the old port for rollback situations.
Webserver.Oldsslport 3.0+ OLDSSLPORT services.php During port change, this temporary saves the old port for rollback situations.
Webserver.Sslenabled 3.0+ SSLENABLED services.php
==== Miniserver ==== 2.2+ MINISERVERx Miniserver widget
"x" is a string label with the number, The "x" object holds the data of each Miniserver In general.json, each Miniserver is an object, named by the number ("1", "2",…)
In general.cfg, each Miniserver has a section [MINISERVERx], where x is starting at 1, maximal count in BASE.MINISERVERS
Miniserver.x.Admin ADMIN Miniserver user (URI-encoded)
Miniserver.x.Admin_raw ADMIN_RAW Miniserver user (not encoded)
Miniserver.x.Cloudurl CLOUDURL MAC address of the Miniserver for Cloud DNS access
Miniserver.x.Cloudurlftpport CLOUDURLFTPPORT FTP port of the Miniserver
Miniserver.x.Credentials CREDENTIALS Combined Miniserver user:password string (URI-encoded)
Miniserver.x.Credentials_raw CREDENTIALS_RAW Combined Miniserver user:password strin (not encoded)
Miniserver.x.Encryptresponse ENCRYPTRESPONSE Internal, Depreciated since Miniserver https support. On token-based authentication, request encryption of Miniservers response. Since Miniserver Gen. 2 supports https, Loxone-proprietary encryption won't be implemented in LoxBerry.
Miniserver.x.Fulluri n/a This includes the full uri to connect to the Miniserver, e.g. https:%%//%%user:pass@miniserveradress:port/
The field respects to use http oder https, and to use IPv4 or IPv6, depending to users settings.
Miniserver.x.Fulluri_raw n/a Like Fulluri, but user:pass is not uri-encoded
Miniserver.x.Ipaddress IPADDRESS Hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 of the Miniserver
Miniserver.x.Ipv6format n/a This flag indicates, that the Ipaddress fields holds an IPv6 address. Some libraries need special escaping for IPv6:Port combinations, but not for hostnames or IPv4 addresses. This helps your code to decide.
Miniserver.x.Name NAME Miniserver name shown in the UI, e.g. within Miniserver dropdowns or in logfiles
Miniserver.x.Note NOTE A user-defined note
Miniserver.x.Pass PASS Miniserver password (URI-encoded)
Miniserver.x.Pass_raw PASS_RAW Miniserver password (not encoded)
Miniserver.x.Port PORT Miniserver webport for http
Miniserver.x.Porthttps n/a Miniserver webport for https (Miniserver does not let users change the port away from 443, but using port forwarding the port may be different)
Miniserver.x.Preferhttps n/a Flag (true/false) to indicate for http requests, if your library should use http or https to connect. Use this to generate the uri. Using Fulluri instead, will give you the correct full URI including credentials and protocol considering user settings.
Miniserver.x.Securegateway SECUREGATEWAY Internal, Depreciated since Miniserver https support. LoxBerry will not implement Loxones proprietary encryption.
Miniserver.x.Transport n/a "http" or "https"
Miniserver.x.Useclouddns USECLOUDDNS Don't use the local ipaddress, but ip needs to be requested from Loxone Cloud DNS using the Cloudurl (MAC address).
To support Cloud DNS, you need to query Loxone Cloud DNS for the ip of this Miniserver.

The LoxBerry SDK (Perl, PHP), e.g. get_miniservers() does this automatically, but for other languages, you need to implement this by yourself.

Access json properties from different languages

This examples show, how to access the above listed properties

  • Webserver.Port, and
  • Miniserver.1.Name


  • Use decode_json to parse the content to a $cfg variable
  • To access Webserver.Port: $cfg->{Webserver}→{Port}
  • To access the Miniserver.x.Name of the first Miniserver: $cfg->{Miniserver}->{1}->{Name}


  • Use json_decode to parse the content to a $cfg object (without the assoc = true parameter, so the content is parsed to be objects
  • To access Webserver.Port: $cfg->Webserver->Port
  • To access the Miniserver.x.Name of the first Miniserver: $cfg->Miniserver->{1}->Name

JavaScript / Node.js

  • Use JSON.Parse to parse the content to a cfg object
  • To access Webserver.Port: cfg.Webserver.Port
  • To access the Miniserver.x.Name of the first Miniserver: cfg.Miniserver[1].Name


  • Use import json and  cfg = json.loads to parse the content to a cfg object
  • To access Webserver.Port: cfg['Webserver']['Port']
  • To access the Miniserver.x.Name of the first Miniserver: cfg['Miniserver']['1']['Name']


Use the pre-installed tool jq to assign the result of every needed line to a variable:

  • To access Webserver.Port: PORT=$(jq -r '.Webserver.Port' "$LBSCONFIG/general.json")
  • To access the Miniserver.x.Name of the first Miniserver: MSNAME=$(jq -r '.Miniserver["1"].Name' "$LBSCONFIG/general.json")
  • Use the variables, e.g. echo $MSNAME $PORT