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ShellySensor - H&T, Smoke and Sense





Shelly H&T sends values from its internal sensors on the following topics:

  • shellies/shellyht-<deviceid>/sensor/temperature: in °C or °F depending on configuration
  • shellies/shellyht-<deviceid>/sensor/humidity: RH in %
  • shellies/shellyht-<deviceid>/sensor/battery: battery level in %

Shelly Smoke sends values from its internal sensors on the following topics:

  • shellies/shellysmoke-<deviceid>/sensor/temperature: in °C or °F depending on configuration
  • shellies/shellysmoke-<deviceid>/sensor/smoke: Whether presence of smoke was detected, true or false
  • shellies/shellysmoke-<deviceid>/sensor/battery: battery level in %

Shelly Sense sends values from its internal sensors on the following topics:

  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/motion: true when motion is detected, false otherwise
  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/charger: whether external power is available, true or false
  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/temperature: in °C or °F depending on configuration
  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/humidity: RH in %
  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/lux: illuminance in Lux
  • shellies/shellysense-<deviceid>/sensor/battery: battery level in %